Twin Screw Extruder: Facts, Functions And Applications!

Extrusion is basically the process of forcing or thrusting out of an object. Although, within most industries, the extrusion is used in tandem with molds and cutting mechanisms in order to create uniform, identically-shaped and formed objects.However, in the food industry, the extrusion can have many applications. It can be used in the production and packaging of cereals, noodles, cookie dough, and many other items commonly found in grocery stores. In this case, the twin-screw extruders are used to grind and mix ingredients before extruding them through a mold to the desired shape. In this post, I will be telling you all the useful facts about the twin screw extruder and how it functions. So, let’s get started.

Twin Screw Extruder: Facts, Functions And Applications!
On a twin-screw extruder, an engine powers two large, screw-shaped devices that rotate opposite one another. The distance between the two screws determines the size to which the ingredients are ground. The ingredients can also be heated or cooled throughout the food extrusion process.
In the beginning of the extrusion process, raw ingredients are fed into the primary feed port. In nearly all cases, these are dry ingredients. Immediately after being fed into the machine, the ingredients are crushed and ground into ideally sized particles. In complex mixtures, an extruder may have multiple ports along its sides.

These ports allow for mid-process additions of other ingredients. The more ports, the more ingredients can be added into the mixture. This allows for the gradual combination of ingredients, to ensure ideal composition and integrity of the product. Twin-screw extruders are used primarily for mixtures, but single-components can be run through the extruder to achieve the ideal consistency and final product.

TX-Series Co-Rotating Twin-Screw Extruders:
In this part, I will be giving you some details of the twin screw extruders. At, CFAM technologies, they have developed its own unique range of world class extruders. Below, I have mentioned the technical information, features and applications.

Technical information:
·         Fully intermeshing, co-rotating twin-screwextruder
·         Nominal barrel bore diameters from 32 mmto 120 mm
·         Production capacities varying from 50 kg/hup to 4500 kg/h
·         Fully automated PLC control system
·         Power requirement ranging between 18 kWand 400 kW

·         Advanced PLC control system
·         User-friendly intuitive operating system
·         Low maintenance cost
·         Recipe manager that ensures repeatablehigh-quality production
·         High-quality products with reliable consistency
·         Easy access to analyses of production statistics
·         Built-in protection devices to safeguard extruder
·         24-hours local maintenance support
·         Power dip recovery function
·         IOT enabled

·         Processing of maize, soya, wheat, legumesand other products
·         Produces products for food, feed, aquafeed and pet food
·         Ready-to-eat or precooked products
·         Various shapes, sizes and diameters ofextruded products

What Else?
One benefit of the extrusion process is in the quality and consistency of the finished product. It also allows you to replicate the exact product endlessly, so long as you continue to feed the ingredients into the extruder. So what else would you like to know about twin screw extruder? Let us know in the comments section and I will be addressing them in the future posts. Till then feel free to share this and keep following this space for more related updates. 


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