
Extruding Machine is the future of Pet Food Processing Industry

Extrusion is nothing but a forming process. Extruding machine is used in the manufacturing process. Perhaps the biggest thing that comes with extrusion is its ability to manufacture high product volumes quickly as well as inexpensively.  Extruding   machine  has become a major importance in the aquaculture and animal food production industry. Nowadays, there has been constant growth in the application of extruded diets for aquatic and animal feeding. Aquatic and animal feed by extrusion has super water stability, better nutrition and gives higher energy. So, the extrusion technology one of the most efficient ways to improve the performance of aquatic and animal feed. The advantages of extrusion  Extrusion is sometimes viewed as one of the most economical manufacturing options because of its efficiency. The fact is that it does not generate a lot of waste.  ·          Low cost per part ·   ...

Twin Screw Extruder: Facts, Functions And Applications!

Extrusion is basically the process of forcing or thrusting out of an object. Although, within most industries, the extrusion is used in tandem with molds and cutting mechanisms in order to create uniform, identically-shaped and formed objects.However, in the food industry, the extrusion can have many applications. It can be used in the production and packaging of cereals, noodles, cookie dough, and many other items commonly found in grocery stores. In this case, the twin-screw extruders are used to grind and mix ingredients before extruding them through a mold to the desired shape. In this post, I will be telling you all the useful facts about the twin screw extruder and how it functions. So, let’s get started. Twin Screw Extruder: Facts, Functions And Applications! On a twin-screw extruder, an engine powers two large, screw-shaped devices that rotate opposite one another. The distance between the two screws determines the size to which the ingredients are ground. The ingredie...

Twin Screw Extrusion Processing versus Conventional Food Processing

Twin Screw Extrusion - The cheapest, most efficient and most compact method of making high-quality structured products. It’s no surprise, why the scope of twin-screw extrusion in the food industry is continually expanding. Twin screw extrusion technology was first used in 1956, and since then, it has evolved and today, the twin screw extruder is well-recognized for Food & Feed processing. Screw extrusion is predominant in food applications. The process of screw extrusion is used to make a variety of products and combines many operations as one.  Co-Rotating Twin Screw Extruders   How Does A Twin Screw Extruder Work?  Twin screw extruders consist of two co-rotating, intermeshing screws mounted on splined shafts in a closed barrel. Due to a wide range of barrel and screw designs, manufacturers can set up various screw profiles and process functions as per the process requirements. Hence, a twin screw extruder is capable of:  • Transporting, • ...

Perfection is Satisfaction – The Best Food Extruder Machine

Today I am utterly happy because finally, I have got my best buddy by my side. And you will be surprised to know that a machine helped me in this – food extruder in South Africa. Shocking, right!! Don’t you wanna know how everything happened!! Then sit back and listen to an emotional turning point of my life… The Beginning I am a worker at an extruder technology company – CFAM. My life was simple and also running round the clock. Every day I had to return home from work, cook, and do some other household stuff, sleep, and then repeat the entire thing the next day. Life was satisfying but still, something was missing. But it turned into something adorable, suddenly. What did actually happen and how? One day I came out of the factory, and there was a puppy down the streets of Kanaal Weg, aged near about 8 weeks. He was lying down with gloomy eyes and when I went near, it looked at me in such a way that I couldn’t stop me from taking him on my laps. I understood that...